So many ideas, so little time

I’m currently crocheting (baby blanket for my new nephew – love how that rhymes) and drawing cards for a fundraiser event, and painting canvases for the same fundraiser event and two hours ago I pelted out two pages of words for Eros, and introduced a completely new character who I have no clue who is – except that she claims to be Eros’ wife…

And I want to write more on Eros and find out what part she is playing in the whole story.

I also want a full time job. And at the same time I don’t.

I want to be able to do what I do for a living. But that requires more work, less *procrastinating!* *ahem…*

I’ve been thinking of starting a business, an art business, and go to events and parties and such and paint with kids – that would be fun, wouldn’t it? But I don’t know if it is sustainable. (and the biggest problem seems to be coming up with a name >.<)
I’m also thinking of renaming this blog to “a mad artist’s blog” because it’s not only about writing… or craftists or a mad idea’s blog… I actually like the sound of that 🙂

I would also want to live outside the city, somewhere remote, with a plot of land, vegetables, chicken and our own house… then again, I also want to be an alien, so these *wants* are more fancies than wants. (I want to be like Dr Who, how amazing wouldn’t that be? 😀 )

I’ve started with water colours (aquarell colours – what you wanna call ’em).

Little slow at the moment, but hopefully something will come of it. I also want to draw anime (watched Appleseed anime movie from 2004 – I quite like anime movies especially if they’re science fiction.)

I’m also on Pinterest in case you didn’t know. (secretly pinterest-addict)

This is one of those strange years

Week of the year

A year that has 53 weeks in it. So I guess I’ll have to update my goal, or I’ll just go along with 52 until I reach 52 and then be done with it. As I have been a bit lazy with the uploading of the pictures I just uploaded a whole bunch. I have a bunch more to upload (check my deviantArt page: if you want to see the other bunch.)

Aside from painting I have taken up the romance novel Eros and have started the re-writing of it. Currently I am feeling very positive and think that this is going to be the next world wide best seller (overconfident much?) Yep.

Hello 2015

I just realised it had been over a year since I last posted on this blog (before I posted about NaNoWriMo in November.)

Can I say whoops? And in my head I kept thinking, nah, it’s not that long ago since I posted in my blog. Well, it now is that long ago.

Following November I can proudly say that I won!


Woohoo. Go here to look at my stats.

Only 14 days of writing (not consecutive), 50114 words in total.

That’s almost 3600 words per day.

I haven’t written that fast, ever. Okay, maybe I have, when I wrote Eros I wrote approximately 5000 words per day but only for 5 days…

For 2015 I was thinking of focusing on art a bit more than writing, or I may do art the first half of the year and writing the second part (NaNo of course). At first I was thinking of a new years resolution like “One painting a day”, then I realised that with a job and a 2.5 year old hurricane in the house that would simply not be doable. 1 painting per month didn’t sound like a challenge, so I settled for 1 painting per week. I have already done 13 paintings, and more are on the way… So this might as well be a 30 day 30 paintings work, and then the rest of the year I am just gonna dabble a few paintings per month, but by the end of this year My goal is to have 52 paintings (or 53, is this one of those weird years? when is leap year? 2016?)

Well, there are 13 bigger paintings and a handful of smaller ones. Yesterday I was at a small fair to sell them – I only sold one, one of the small ones, to my cousin-in-law *headdesk*. BUT I got a few queries, and two orders for other paintings (one big and four small) so all in all, while I didn’t really sell any of my paintings, I still managed to “sell” so I’m happy. Look forward to more posts soon. 🙂

Dead but not really

This is going to be  half-arsed update because it’s too late and I’m way too tired to come up with something longer.

I got a new job, so I’m spending almost all my time in front of a computer screen, so when I’m not working, I usually stay as far away as possible from computers.

I think I wrote about that story that wrote itself, I’m seriously rewriting it (yeah, I’m rewriting it!) and hopefully soon you’ll be able to buy it in a bookstore near you (in about 10 years or so) I’ll let you know when 😉

With that I just want to say, hi, hello and goodbye, goodnight.


I’m not sure if I should write this or if my writing streak will end just because I’m telling others about it.

The other day I started thinking about Cupid (you know the god of love) and I did some research and found out that he fell in love with Psyche (I remembered he fell in love with someone, but not whom). I forgot all about it until 5 am one morning when I woke up to feed my baby. A thought hit me and I couldn’t stop thinking. I wanted to write it down, but I was too tired to get out of bed and find a paper and pen (or start up my computer) so I just laid in bed, eyes closed and thought. I thought as I would read a book. I thought in sentences, forming paragraphs and chapters in my head, afraid I’d forget it if I didn’t think. So I lay in bed, just thinking thinking thinking, and when baby woke up again at around 7 I got up and started writing. And I have been writing ever since, producing 5000+ words every day.

I’m currently on the 4th day and have some 18’000 words to show for it, and they’re still coming. The words are still flowing (now, just because I write this the flow will stop, I’ll complain to you if it does 😉 ) and I’m so surprised that they are. Because usually I have flow for the first couple of thousand words, then it slows down until it’s merely a dribble, but not now.

So I’m writing a love story in Swedish! (yeah, I know, and it’s actually intelligible Swedish, not something that’s chopped up and half filled with English words! (Okay, some English words find their way in, but it’s usually if I’m thinking of an English phrase to which there is no direct Swedish counterpart.

I don’t have time to write more here, I’m gonna turn off internet and continue on the story

*dances away singing to herself*  I’m in love with my characters

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night and had a superdupermegaidea?

How to write a novel: the 30-day method

After failing pretty badly (okay, I shouldn’t say fail, because I did write over 20’000 words) in NaNoWriMo, I’ve re-thunk my ambitions and my goal with writing. And I realised I don’t really NEED to be published. It would be a nice side effect, but what I mostly want is my books in my bookshelves, and with todays POD and everything I could basically just slap together a jumble of words and pay for postage etc. and then I WOULD have my book in my bookshelf.

Then we come to the actual writing part, because my brain is flooded with ideas and plots and characters that are just waiting there, with the grey dust between my ears, playing chess, waiting to come out. I always write about writing, but lately I’ve done more thinking about writing than actual writing. That makes me a bit sad. I’ve been “home” for Christmas and New Years (visiting my parents) and I haven’t had access to a computer all the time (nor have I actually had the time to sit in front of the computer either) but I’ve somewhat had the urge to write. Now when I have a computer I’m sitting here, staring at the screen and thinking ‘what now?’

So my New Years resolution is going to be to finish at least one novel this year. And I found this to help me and you, if you’re in the same swamp as me:

How to write a novel | How the 30-day method works | Books | The Guardian.

Write on! 🙂

NaNo day 12

It’s so hard to write in Swedish when I have for the last 2-3 years written and read in English. It’s like I have forgotten how to write good. The words don’t come and it looks like a 14 year old teenager has written it. Where did all the funky words go? Where did all the larger than life characters go (for surely, they disappeared at the same time as the words!)

I’m at… (have to go and check) 14’147 words right now, should be… (have to go and check again) should reach 20’000 today. Seems like an insurmountable task to do. How about your writing? Lagging behind as far as I am? Don’t fret, I have a nice surprise!

You don’t need to write 6000 words in a day, you only have to write 1887 words per day, and still finish on time! (if you’re as far behind as me) That’s more like it, isn’t it? And you don’t have to waste time to calculate that, there’s stuff that can do it for you. And you can even link it to your NaNo-name and it will update automatically when you update on the NaNo site!

How fantastic isn’t that?! 1887 is just above 200 more words per day, and if you write say, 2000 words one day, you’ll have to write less than 1887 the next (1887 is the amount of words I have to write / day to finish on time).

Where’s this fantastic stuff hiding?

Here: WriteTrack

You can set your own word goal, include any planned non-writing days (like thanksgiving in the US) you just put the weight 100(%) to 0, and the numbers will adjust (you’ll simply have to write more on the other days)

To quote my favourite character: Fantastic!