PostNano and web administrator

NaNo this year didn’t go as planned. It is hard to write about midsummer when it’s so cold outside (I have a bunch of other excuses too, would you like to hear them?).

I thought being on maternity leave would free up some time for writing, but I was wrong, so wrong. At least now in the beginning I’m more busy with changing nappies and trying to feed baby. Anyhow, I hope it will settle down a bit, get into a routine, and then, maybe then I can write. (Or I’ll have to wait 18 years until I can write again…)

I’ve been asked to become a web administrator for a Swedish writing site ( and I sad yes (the Christmas decorations is my doing – mwhahaha!) so now I’m spending an unhealthy amount of time on that site trying to “fix” stuff. My co-admin managed to “delete” “My Page” and now we can’t get it back… well well… gonna give it another go.
